In this article we would like to show you how you can create the click on email address website target in your etracker account. Setting website targets and website target processes in etracker Analytics is important, for example, if you want to import conversions from your etracker account into your Google Ads account.

Add Website Target Process

So that you can define the website target click on email address, click on “Basic Reports” in the left sidebar and then under “Content” on the gear icon right next to “Website targets”.

Then click on the “Add” button to create a new process.

Define etracker Website Target “Click on Email Address”

Below is an example of a website target based on clicks to an email address. Since this website target is based on link click tracking, it is important that all email addresses contain a mailto link and are therefore clickable.

  1. Choose a name: Choose a suitable name for your website target! In our case, we call the website goal “Click on” because we want to record all clicks on the email address as a conversion.
  2. Description: If you want, you can also add a description. If the website target name is already self-evident, in our opinion it is not really necessary to create a description.
  3. Name for Step 1: If you simply want to track all clicks on a specific email address, you only need one step. Basically, a name must be defined for all steps. In our example, we enter “Click on” as the name for the first step.
  4. Label of the event: etracker Analytics gives you the possibility to name the event itself.
  5. Category of the event: The category for the link click event is Links.
  6. Object of the event: Enter the corresponding email address as the object. In our case:
  7. Action of the event: Enter link as the action.
  8. Type of the event: Enter Mailto Link as the type.

If you want to add a second step, simply click the “Add trigger” button and define the additional step you need. For example, you may only want to track clicks on an email address on a specific page or URL. In this case, in step 1 you first need to define the trigger “Page” or “URL”.

The definition of website targets and website target processes is structured logically in etracker Analytics. If you still have problems setting etracker conversions, please feel free to contact us! Kapwa Marketing is an official and certified etracker partner.